Friday, August 14, 2009
Brittany Coast

Scottish Loch

Fresh Veg
Friday, July 17, 2009
Split Mountain, Dinosaur National Park UT

Dinosaur National Park,
Green River,
oil painting,
red rock,
St Francis of Assisi Church, Taos NM

New Mexico,
Plein Air,
Santa Fe,
Wisconsin Farm
Sand Dunes and Storm
Fall Color, Colorado
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Ghost Ranch

This is my very first plein air oil painting. I bought the outdoor painting rig for our trip to Santa Fe. Ghost Ranch is a few miles north of Santa Fe, and is one of the places that Georgia O'Keefe lived and painted. I set up the painting rig and laid out my colors, the wind came up and flipped the whole easel over, flinging the glass palette full of paint out, jam side down, into the grass. So there I am picking twigs and rocks out of my paint, before I even touched the canvas. The whole time I was painting, I had to hold the easel down by one corner so it wouldn't fly away. I asked an experienced artist about my experience, and was advised that this is normal. Guess I should have bought the ballast bag... The horse in the picture is reputed to be over 40 years old, I have never seen a horse with a greater sway-back in my life!
Ghost Ranch,
oil painting,
Plein Air,
Santa Fe
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tioga Pass, Late Spring Storm

Lest you think I've given up oil painting, here is the first oil painting of 2009, titled "Tioga Pass, Late Spring Storm".
This is from a photo that my husband Tony shot on a trip to Yosemite. We crossed Tioga pass on Memorial Day weekend, when the pass was newly opened for the summer. We stopped at a small turnout next to a brook and Tony decided to take the shot. He set up his camera, but a storm was brewing and there was no sunlight to pop the brights in the view. So he waited, and waited....when I woke up an hour later Tony was still waiting for the light. The temp had fallen toward freezing, and he was wearing shorts! I was greeted by the view of the photographer doing jumping jacks to keep from freezing solid. Finally Tony took his shot and we raced down the pass to Lee Vining on the east side. That night it snowed and the pass closed for 3 days.
oil painting,
Tina Chong,
Tioga Pass,
Trunk Show

Tina Chong,
Trunk Show,
Feral Chicken

Ferrel Chicken,
Tina Chong,
Dancehall Lady

Another attempt to paint a person, this one not so succesful. The figure had very strange perspective, and I later realized the proportions of arm and leg size to torso were way off. My teacher, Vivi Oldknow, recommends cropping to save the best detail in a case like this. So here is what is left of my painting!
Apres Lautrec

This is a difficult image all the way around. This is a watercolor homage of a Toulouse Lautrec oil painting of Lautrec's friend, Jane Avril. The original oil painting had a textured background, difficult to capture in a watercolor. This background is "combed" or "feathered" and actually turned out quite well. The fabric and hat were fashion-challenged choices for Jane, who had flaming henna-colored hair. And then there is the green complexion from being painted under gas-light, which makes her look 2 days dead... Given that I don't paint people much, this was a very interesting exercise!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Cotswold Cottage
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tiger Lily
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Fall Farm Scene

Another small watercolor. I liked the mix of green and yellow in this picture. It is quite a bit looser than my usual style.
Strolling Under the Silk Floss Trees
Lovely Lisa
Chinese Lotus

watercolor floral landscape
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